Gens Ace predstavlja serijo LiHV paketov v trdem ohišju primarno nomenjenih za modele ARRMA RC in podobnim. Seveda se lahko paketi uporabljajo tudi za vse ostale modele letal/čolnov ali pa celo za terenske pakete.
Features ADVANCE series:
- 4.35 V LiHV
- robust plastic shell
- LED indicator naphlenjenosti in prikaz napak
- BMS takes care of itself and takes care of it
- uporaba silicon kablov preseka 10mm2 (8 AWG)
Tokovno izredno zmogljiv 6S LiHV package – masa 945g, dolžina 165 mm z EC5 priključkom.
What do I know about your package?
The package contains the primary name of the ARRMA RC model:
Prepričani smo, da se najdejo tudi ostale uporabe paketa, kjer je potrebna robustnost en dodatna zaščita. Do not contact us at
In the end: This is why there is a problem with your engine.
Prednosti paketa
Povsem jasno je, da je paket zasnovan zasnovan za popularne ARRMA RC modele. I robusten z varnostnim sistemom proti prenapolnjenosti in LED prikazom. LED will be used for this purpose.
Alternative izbire
Dokaj specifičen package, vendar smo prepričani, de lahko za zašo uporabo pondimo alternativo; povprašajte na
Osnovni podatki:
Masa 945 g, EC 5 priključek, mother 165 mm * 68 mm * 47 mm
It’s a good idea: We’re
talking about a lot of things now and then we’re going to take a look at what we’re talking about. Please note that this should not be done at a minimum. Vseeno objavljamo naš “recept”: Za doseganje maksimalnih zmogljivosti in doseganje predpogoja za dolgo življensko dobo priporočamo 5-6 ciklov s polnjenjem 5-10 A do 4.1 V/člen in praznjenjem ca 10-15 A do 3.8 V/člen. You can choose between the two versions of Junsi X6/X8 and the battery charger . If you do not want to do this, you will need to use LiIon (4.1 V/clen) in the position, the battery will probably be 50-60% less than 50-60% of the time it will be propelled by the propeller. 5 takih letov/voženj bo več kot dovolj. Potem pa “gasa” – the temperature is 5 C (ca 32 A).
The Gens Ace Advance 100 C is the first product to be used in this case. This is not a drug, it should only be used for 1 ure. This product is in uporabo and is not yet available in 4.1 V/člen pri 1C. If you do not have an external battery, you will have to take a “load” of the battery and then turn it on. The maximum volume of water is 5 C (ca 32 A seveda z uporabo zmogljivih polnilnikov ). Pripolnjenju LiHV – 4.35 – 4.4 V/člen ( priporočamo naše polnilnike ) jih je potrebno izprazniti takoj po koncu polnjenja . This means 100% napolnjenosti akumulator hitro degradirajo ( povečanje notranje upornosti – IR ).
Pozor! The BMS voltage is 4.4 V (+/- 0.025 mV).
The maximum temperature should be kept at constant temperature, preferably at 45°C.
Pustite se svetovati za najboljšo ponudbo polnilnikov en terenskih LiPo akumulatorje v –!
Konec praznjenja
Izogibajte se mirovnim napetostim pod 3.6V/clen. The temperature will then be 3.7 V/c in the mirovanju. Use 3.5 V/c the battery to degrade (return to current – IR).
3.85-V/člen, za krajše shranjevanje do 1 teda lahko tudi 3.75-3.80 V/člen, za daljše shranjevanje več kot 1 mesec, pod 20°C en 3.85 V/člen. Please note that the 3.6V battery/acumulator will be degraded (povečanje notranje upornosti – IR).
V package I vgrajen BMS sistem, ki po smallih dneh napolnjenosti nad 3.95 V poskrbi. The current is 3.92 V.
Now, the BMS electronics can be switched on or off. Proizvajalec a priporoča kontrolo napetosti na vsake 3 mesece. Please note that the 3.85V/100% charge is 1 hour.
Življenska doba
Z natančnim upoštevanjem naših naših nasvetov o uporabi lahko pričakujete nekajj 100 ciklov.
- Maximum temperature at 40°C, temperature at 4.35-4.4V/day.
- It is possible to keep the temperature at 40°C, at 4.1V/c (at 4.1V/100°C) (at 4.1V/100°C).
- Current temperature/ voltage is at 30°C, at 4.2V
Izbira priključkov
EC5 priključek je nomščen zaradi compatibilnosti v ARRMA RC modelih. Please note that it is not optimal for maximum viscosity (first 5mm). You can choose between 6mm, 6.5mm, 8mm and AS150.
Poskrbite, da bodo priključni kabli vsaj 6mm2 in minimalne dolžine do krmilnika (ESC).
Prve meritve IR
Po >10 ciklih pri 21°C tipično okoli 3.9 mOhm/len, ogrete na ca 40°C okoli 1.9 mOhm/len. Več o meritvah notranje upornosti.
At a maximum temperature of 21°C, the minimum temperature is 100A, the temperature is <1s at 200A. Pri 40°C (celična struktura dopušča take temperature neposredno pred in med praznjenjem brez napihovanja), 150A trajno ali <1s ca 300A. Seveda je tu omejitev EC5 priključek, torej 100A trajno in do 200A nekaj 10 sekund bo glavna omejitev. You can see the difference between the XT150, AS150 and the 8mm lens instead of the 6.5mm. This is the first time you have to take advantage of this. Prosimo za posvetovanje pred nakupom na .
*80% protection. comment
Vsekakor zanimiv paket, ki popestri ponudbo. Most of your vehicles will be taken into account if they are taken into account. First of all, we recommend that you place 150mm of silicon on the edge of 10mm2. ARRMA RC model is designed to be equipped with a 70mm cable. If you post a battery charger with a 65mm cable, you will have two batteries to replace the cable with the REDLINE 6000mAh 4S battery.
Primer uporabe
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